Become A Member

Join CIISec now and begin your professional development journey.

What is the right membership for you?

Corporate Membership

Choosing to be a corporate member of the Chartered Institute of Information Security demonstrates your organisation’s commitment to professionalism within the cyber and information security community. Whether your current focus is on the development of talent within the organisation or driving innovation to develop solutions, CIISec can support your goals through our Corporate Member Programmes. As a CIISec corporate member, you will have access to all of the member benefits that we provide and select those that best support your needs. You will have access to a trusted and confidential environment where thought leadership and practical experience can be shared with decision-makers in the profession. Our membership spans industry, government and academic communities.

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Large Enterprise Membership

This package is suitable for organisations with a turnover of >£500m per year.


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Mid Enterprise Membership

This package is suitable for organisations with an annual turnover between £50m and £500m.


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Enterprise Membership

This package is suitable for organisations with a <£50m per year.


Individual Membership

Members enjoy many benefits including professional networking opportunities, access to our quarterly pulse magazine, discounts on accredited training and industry events.

From £84 /year

Student Membership

Student membership is ideal for those studying cyber and information security. It offers the opportunity to attend CIISec events providing the invaluable benefit of learning from and networking with CIISec members at all levels.


Membership Benefits

Corporate Membership

Individual Membership

Student Membership

testimonials luke beeson
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As our world moves more online the risk of individuals and companies being impacted by a cyber incident has grown exponentially. To better mitigate this risk we need more information security professionals and at CIISec we aim to provide a skills framework and accreditations for people, either in the profession, or looking to get into the profession. We provide a home for people interested in or already working in cyber from the classroom to the boardroom.

Luke Beeson
testimonials mark hughes
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CIISec is recognised as one of the foremost global institutions in the area of information security. Learning and raising professional standards is what CIISec is all about and having been recognised in this way aligns my own professional journey with the values of CIISec.

Mark Hughes

Board of Directors

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