New post-nominals AfCIIS, ACIIS, MCIIS, FCIIS trademarked and launched for CIISec accredited members to use
A message from our Chair, Dr Alastair MacWillson
Dear Members,
During this period of crisis at home and internationally, where the day to day events and worries dominate our thinking, it is easy to forget the normality of life that was and that business must go on in some way or another. Despite this situation, I hope that you are coping and remain in good health.
I am writing to you about some of that ‘normality’ and hope you will remember Charter! While you may appreciate that following our change of name, there are so many other aspects of the business that need to be amended to reflect our new status, you may not realise how long some of the changes take to implement. At the top of our list has been to amend the post-nominals, the letters that define the level of your membership with the Chartered Institute of Information Security.
Thank you for your patience with respect to announcement of the new post-nominals. How you display your competency and membership is a very important representation of your association with us, to the rest of the profession and world.
We have been working to officially trademark these post-nominals before announcing them so that from day one of using them their importance is respected accordingly, meaning that when you display them, they have the gravitas of only being able to be awarded by CIISec to our members.
We are delighted to unveil our new post-nominals for our CIISec accredited members, they are as follows;
- Accredited Affiliate – AfCIIS
- Associate – ACIIS
- Full – MCIIS
- Fellow – FCIIS
From today these new post-nominals replace our previous of A.Inst, M.Inst, F.Inst and will become instantly recognisable as your mark of standard.
Now we would like to ask you to implement their use by using the post-nominal in accordance with your membership level. I encourage you to display them proudly and add them to your titles, place them on your business cards, CV, signature blocks and importantly your professional social media accounts to recognise your achievement.
As part of our profession you have worked for them and displayed your competency to CIISec, so understand the prestige they represent. Be proud of your attainment and continue to display your Accredited membership of the only Chartered pure play Cyber Security organisation of its kind.
To accompany our new post nominals we plan to also provide you with Digital Badges in the near future, giving you an innovative, interactive and even more personalised way to recognise and showcase your levels of attainment.
Thank you for your continued membership.
Kind regards,
Dr. A C MacWillson
Chair, Chartered Institute of Information Security