State of the Security Profession 23/24

2024 SURVEY cover Page 01Our State of the Security Profession report, released in October 2024 analyses the responses of over 300 information security professionals from across the industry. The report covers topics such as demographic changes, career prospects, skill gaps and how to fill them, and the impact of AI on both the cyber industry and professionals.

Some of the key findings include:


  • Empowering criminals: More than half (54%) of cybersecurity professionals believe cybercriminals will benefit more from AI than the security industry.
  • AI influence: More than half (51%) believe that AI and machine learning will be the most influential technology over the coming year. Zero trust and cybersecurity hygiene basics were the next closest technologies/principles, both with just 7%.
  • Risk (un)awareness: Almost half of security professionals (44%) believe their organisation is unaware of the risks of AI and doesn’t have policies in place to ensure safe use. Despite this, 85% are at least considering the use of AI in their role.

    Beyond the risk of AI, the research also investigated broader cybersecurity industry trends, providing readers with valuable insights into the current state of the profession and emerging trends.

  • Wages are high, but so is stress: The average wage now sits at £87,205 – more than a £25,000 rise across the period, significantly outpacing inflation. However, this comes at a cost, with almost a quarter of cybersecurity professionals (22%) classed as overworked, and 55% of security professionals kept awake at night by the stress of the job.
  • Breaches are handled better than budgets: Whilst 56% of security professionals believe that the industry is doing better at defending against and dealing with breaches, this isn’t sustainable, as 80% of cybersecurity professionals believe security budgets are rising too slowly, flatlining, or declining.
  • Operational challenges; people vs process: When comparing which poses the greatest operational challenge between people, process and technology, people (72%) was top, compared to process (17%) and technology (11%).

To support the release of the report we are hosting a webinar register here

To download a copy of the report please click here CIISec_state_of_security_prof_2324

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