I’m pleased to introduce the eighth year of CIISec’s ‘State of the profession’, our annual review of the security profession. As I write this, we are all struggling with a period of economic uncertainty, with interest rates still high and political unrest and war in some regions. Meanwhile, technology changes continue to bring along new concerns, for example, the rise and impact of AI on business.
As a result, this year’s survey has a focus on this economic environment. What challenges does it create for the security profession? Who do members believe will be most affected? And can we interpret some of the data we gather year-on-year with this in mind?
We have also found that the profession appears to have moved on somewhat from the pandemic – while doubtless some people are still worried at a personal level, it does not feature as a significant issue in people’s professional or career concerns any longer.
As ever, we hope you find this report and our findings useful. Please do lean on the data to support decision-making, or for learning and education, wherever it may help. The survey, being annual, will once again be issued later in the year, and will have its own specific theme for 2023/24, so please take the opportunity to respond when that is available.