Guide Abstract
This guide focuses on how to give a successful briefing to the Board of an organisation on information security issues. You have to be aware that that the Board are not, in the main, security experts.
- Briefing the Board – making you think about Security’s role in your organisation, and how you are perceived by the Board.
- What are Boards looking for? – Cyber Security risk is often one of the top risks of the organisation. Your role is to clearly describe that risk.
- What should CISOs tell their Boards – Firstly answer the question which has got you in-front of the Board, if that’s the reason for your visit. Once that’s answered you can move on to key risk areas you need them to understand – do this in words they understand.
- An Approach – A successful presentation is mainly down to planning. Give yourself time to plan. Plan well in advance. Meet the deadlines for papers.
- Further resources – showing where to find further guidance and support.